Disreputable foreign sources used for confirming absurd lies of success

The problem with failed government everywhere is to look for unknown foreign sources to buy support for its lies about miraculous success forgetting that only fools will do so because the people of the country know the best.
In fact such bought up praise of success proves a government’s desperate need of hiding the failures caused by its own incompetence. It is foolish to think that about failures or successes the people of the country do not know the reality.
The people of Bangladesh are not fools otherwise it would not have been necessary to shamelessly use police for winning the last general election.
Yesterday some of our dailies including The New Nation published a report from a foreign consultancy claimed that Bangladesh’s economy will outshine the economy of Malaysia, Hong Kong and Singapore as the world’s 30th largest economy by 2024. Manufactured fact and figures were supplied to make the report believable like all false propagandas. The same source also added that Bangladesh’s “impressive” economy will climb further from the 40th place in the World Economic League Table in 2020 to 26th and 25th position respectively by 2029 and 2034.
The consultancy also praised, as expected, on the basis of materials submitted that Bangladesh for a PPP (purchasing power parity) adjusted GDP (Gross Domestic Product) per capita of US$5,028 in 2019 which obtained record 7.8 per cent growth last year while it was 7.9 per cent in 2018.
The answer will come out as how much this consultancy charged for issuing such a made to order certificate of absurd successes. One has only to visit Dhaka international airport and see the mess of management and incompetence.
It is worse than any railway station in any of the neighbouring countries. It looks like a prison with iron bars and gates everywhere. Inconvenience of the travellers is no consideration. The foreign travellers are bemused and surprised at the low level of service available at the airport.
The armed law enforcing personnel move boldly to tell everybody that the country is deeply unsafe. The good officials lack confidence to be helpful. The local travellers are more helpless in their own country. They can be easily harassed. It is difficult to find anyone to be helpful. If there is any facility, it belongs to government VIPs.
Come out of the airport, and one will be confronted with chaotic traffic along with dirty and damaged roads. Going outside Dhaka will be a misery whether you use dilapidated public transport or a private car.
More details will not be necessary for understanding of any sensible person how ridiculous it is that Bangladesh will outshine any of the neighbouring countries under present management. The question is asked how such a brilliantly successful government is afraid of facing the people in a free election.
The present finance minister who has taken over charge only a few months ago has been able to secure certificate as the world’s best finance minister. This is a joke and a shamelessness.
The very nature of the praise will make any third world finance minister ashamed but not our finance minister.
The financial strength of the government comes from money received from expatriate workers who toil slavishly and suffer inhumanly. According to a former minister Tk 9 lakh crores were laundered out of the country.
Bangladesh certainly ranks one of the safest corrupt countries. Big corruptions enjoy immunity. Politics in Bangladesh is a lucrative game of corruption.
Huge amounts of money are being spent on mega projects remaining unfinished for mega corruption of the corrupt ones. That is not development for the people.
No Malaysian or Singaporean or Thai will go abroad in search of earning livelihood as a labourer. It requires a lot of insensitivity to human sufferings to compare development of Bangladesh with Singapore or Thailand.
Lakhs of people have to leave the country in search of jobs to keep them alive. There is no worry why our people will not find jobs in their own country. The government is happy with foreign exchange these miserable workers send. Sending workers abroad for jobs is another area of big corruption.
This is most unkind to treat our people as fools by those who are proven corrupts and incompetents.