Hasina asks AL followers: Discharge responsibilities with utmost sincerity

UNB, Dhaka :
Mentioning that they have huge responsibilities towards the country, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Saturday asked Awami League leaders and activists to discharge these responsibilities with utmost sincerity.
“We’ve taken short-, mid- and long-term plans… we’ve taken farsighted plans. For this, we’ve huge responsibilities towards the country. All the leaders and activists of Awami League will have to remember this and discharge their responsibilities in that way,” she said.
The Prime Minister, also the chief of the ruling party, said this while delivering her introductory speech at the AL Central Working Committee (ALCWC) meeting held at her official residence Ganobhaban.
She said Awami League, as a responsible party, works for changing people’s fate whenever it comes to power.
Sheikh Hasina said the party has attained people’s trust and confidence. “They know if AL remains in power, there will be improvement in their lives. We’ve to keep this trust and confidence of people. We’ve to work for fulfilling people’s desires. AL’s leaders and activists upto the grassroots level have to discharge their respective responsibilities with sincerity.”
With this, the country will reach its desired goal which is ‘Golden Bangla’ as dreamt by the Father of the Nation, she said.
“All have to remember one thing that AL is the party constituted by the Father of the Nation. We’ve to work for the country and the nation. We’ve to discharge that responsible role,” the Prime Minister said.
She also asked AL men to build the organisation
at the grassroots level as a strong one keeping this in mind.
Describing socioeconomic development activities unleashed in the last 10 years, Hasina said the unprecedented development of Bangladesh has been recognised globally.
She, however, said: “We’ve to go a long way to change the fate of the grassroots level people. We’ve to implement the dream of the Father of the Nation and for that we’ve taken long-term plans.”
Talking about militancy, terrorism and arson terrorism, the Prime Minister said the government has contained those with an iron hand. “Drive against narcotics is on and this will continue.”
The AL chief asked the people concerned to take steps from now on so that the council of the party could be held regularly.