Disasters batter BD in 2019

bdnews24.com :
The Churihatta fire in the beginning of the year 2019 served as a grim reminder of the terrible tragedy wrought by Nimtoli blaze around a decade ago.
When Bangladesh was still reeling from the Old Dhaka fire, the FR Tower in Banani went up in flames. The Keraniganj factory fire by the end of the year also caused huge casualties. A slew of measures had been recommended to avoid a recurrence in Old Dhaka after the 2010 Nimtoli fire, but the Churihatta incident showed not much had been learnt or done to avert such disasters.
And the FR Tower fire incident revealed a saga of corruption through which several floors of the high-rise office bloc were illegally built.
Road traffic accidents are quite common in Bangladesh, but in 2019, casualties in train crashes added to the national woes.
As for natural disasters, floods could not cause much damage like previous years, but the death toll, mostly from drowning, crossed 100 by the middle of the year.
Cyclones Fani and Bulbul were much stronger than many past storms and had threatened more devastation, but Bangladesh was mostly spared as the tropical storms hit India first.
On Feb 20 night, a fire erupted in the buildings on an intersection of alleys in Chawkbazar’s Churihatta. It took 15 hours for the fire crews to tame the flames that claimed as many as 71 lives.
The damaged buildings housed warehouses of flammable chemicals, plastic and cosmetics that helped the flames spread fast.