DIS students at NHSPC’ 17

Campus Report :
Students of Daffodil International School (DIS) participated in the National High School Programming Contest at Lord Curzon Hall, the University of Dhaka recently. Soha Farhin Pine of Grade-7 of Dhanmondi branch stood fourth in the Computer Programming Contest. In the quiz competition, Mahathir of Grade-7 of Dhanmondi’s English version and Md. Raffay Abdul Musket of grade 6 of Daffodil’s Uttara Branch got the prize.
It may be mentioned that only a few students from Daffodil International School participated amid a holiday mood of three consecutive days’ off, otherwise, some more students could have performed their excellence in ICT in the said competition.
It was, in fact, a divisional level competition. It is expected that the said students of DIS will perform excellently in the forthcoming national level competition as well