Digitisation effectively accelerates national progress

BSS, Rangpur :
The government’s epoch-making digitisation programme has already become an effective tool in accelerating national progress making civic life easier and completely dependent on online digital services and facilities.
The digitisation has given the nation a concrete direction to move towards a middle income nation creating social renaissance in the process of building a Sonar Bangla as dreamt by Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
According to development experts, academics, officials, professionals, educationists, IT specialists and students, everybody has been reaping tremendous benefits from digitised facilities available everywhere in the country.
Launching of the union digital centres (UDCs) at the union level and web portals at upazila and district levels has turned digitisation into an irreversible process making the common people dependant on the digitised internet facilities.
Besides, the massive activities, being implemented by the government through different ICT based-projects as part of its massive digitisation initiatives, has been producing skilled workforce to build an economically developed country.
Meanwhile, launching of some 23,500 multimedia classrooms at the secondary level educational institutions has been promoting utilisation of ICT in the education sector to ultimately produce a digital nation as the programme continues to expand fast.
The government through the ICT division has already set up 2,000 multimedia labs at the educational institutions and the process has been continuing to establish more 3,000 multimedia labs to enhance use of ICT in the education sector.
The government has also been implementing various programmes to impart training to the students at higher education levels to turn them into IT professionals in meeting their growing demand in the job markets both at local and international arena.
Talking to BSS, students Fatema, 20, Laila, 20, and Noor Hossain, 21, said they got admitted to the public universities and seats of higher education through using online digital facilities in applying to take part in the admission tests in recent years.
Talking to BSS, educated youths Amirul Islam, 25, Mominul Haque, 23, Parul Rani, 25 and Radhika Rani, 24, said they took training on computer, internet and other digitised facilities at different UDCs three years ago.
“Now, we have set up our own computer centres,” they said adding that they have been earning well through outsourcing and providing ICT and digital facilities to the common people to take part in building a middle income nation.