Diagnostic centers must stop deceiving patients

DESPITE phenomenal progress in the treatment of various diseases therapeutics remains to be the mainstream treatment and it can be said with certainty that it will continue to be so in the future. Proper diagnosis of illness is always high on the agenda of physicians for successful treatment but corruption and irregularities relating to diagnostic tests services are making proper treatment almost impossible.

Lab tests have indeed become very sensitive part of treatment. Pathologists and radiologists now carry out tests in highly equipped laboratories. X-ray, blood tests and such other radioactive tests include the major diagnosis activities physicians prescribe and patients follow at laboratories doctors refer. But the problem is that the surging cost of diagnostic services has already become so prohibitive for patients to disrupt treatment. Doctors commission business is increasing the cost of laboratory tests holding the patients hostage in the process.

The life saving treatment is now multi-billion dollar business all over the world and Bangladesh is not behind anyway. But what is highly reprehensive here is the high cost of diagnostic tests at various city laboratories and in district towns. What is noticeable is that physicians and even private individuals have set up laboratories as a lucrative business and charges for such laboratory tests are only increasing overtime.


Like others, physicians at government hospitals mainly refer patients to diagnostic centers of their choice as they benefit from a commission based on the bills for the tests. In case physicians are also owners, their benefit multiplies. But problem is that the cost of such diagnostic tests has become so enormous for patients that often force them to abandon treatment. People are becoming penniless in the process selling property and ending up losing everything for the family to survive.

Media reports show many physicians, most of them from government hospitals are now deeply involving in commission business referring patients to particular diagnostic centers. There are allegations that they suggest large number of tests though many are not necessary. But since they get from 30 to 50 percent commission, they do it making it a big part of their monthly income, besides attending patients at different city clinics.

We must say treatment of patients should not be taken as full-scale business instead serving ailing humanity. It is no secret that party men and dishonest people have taken up the business to make huge fortune, but the government can’t sit idle to what is happening. In our view the concerned authorities must fix charges of major diagnosis tests based on quality of the laboratories. They should not also allow physicians engaging in commission business to continue to deceive the people. There must be some watchdog body to rein in the situation.
