Dhaka protests Pak provincial assembly’s resolution against BD war criminals’ trials


Bangladesh on Tuesday strongly protested the recent adoption of a Resolution by the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) Provincial Assembly of Pakistan over the conviction of the perpetrators of crimes against humanity and genocide during Bangladesh’s Liberation War in 1971. In a diplomatic note to the Pakistan High Commission in Dhaka, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs deplored the adoption of the said resolution by the KPK Assembly, which it said was a brazen denial of justice for the victims of the heinous crimes committed by the convicted individuals and that the KPK Assembly chose to speak for Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami. The KPK Assembly was advised not to make such sweeping, biased, misinformed and politically motivated remarks about the independent legal system of a foreign country. “By so doing the KPK Assembly seriously undermined its standing as a responsible, credible and representative body speaking on behalf of its constituency,” the note added. It further stated that the resolution adopted by the KPK Assembly was tantamount to direct interference in the domestic affairs of Bangladesh. It was deeply regretted that despite repeated overtures made to the Pakistan side, the misleading, motivated and malicious campaign against the trials of the crimes against humanity and genocide in Bangladesh continued unabated within different quarters in Pakistan. Bangladesh requested the Pakistan government to take due note of these issues. Dhaka, Nov 25 (UNB) – Bangladesh on Tuesday strongly protested the recent adoption of a Resolution by the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) Provincial Assembly of Pakistan over the conviction of the perpetrators of crimes against humanity and genocide during Bangladesh’s Liberation War in 1971. In a diplomatic note to the Pakistan High Commission in Dhaka, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs deplored the adoption of the said resolution by the KPK Assembly, which it said was a brazen denial of justice for the victims of the heinous crimes committed by the convicted individuals and that the KPK Assembly chose to speak for Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami. The KPK Assembly was advised not to make such sweeping, biased, misinformed and politically motivated remarks about the independent legal system of a foreign country. “By so doing the KPK Assembly seriously undermined its standing as a responsible, credible and representative body speaking on behalf of its constituency,” the note added. It further stated that the resolution adopted by the KPK Assembly was tantamount to direct interference in the domestic affairs of Bangladesh. It was deeply regretted that despite repeated overtures made to the Pakistan side, the misleading, motivated and malicious campaign against the trials of the crimes against humanity and genocide in Bangladesh continued unabated within different quarters in Pakistan. Bangladesh requested the Pakistan government to take due note of these issues. –UNB, Dhaka.
