Dhaka Nagar Paribahan launches today


Syed Shemul Parvez :
The trial run of bus route rationalization activities is starting today for the first time in the country to restore order in public transport. Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader will officially inaugurate the program from the Mohammadpur bus stand in the capital.
Representatives of the concerned departments including two mayors of Dhaka will be present on the occasion.
DSCC Public Relations Officer (PRO) Abu Naser confirmed the matter to the New Nation on Saturday night.
It is learned that the bus route rationalization committee has divided the public transport system of the capital into two parts. One of them is Urban Transport while the buses of the districts around Dhaka have been identified as sub-urban transport.
It is also learned that city services will be operated with six color buses by six companies. The red-green transport is being launched on Sunday.
Experimental activities of bus route rationalization are being equipped with 50 buses primarily on the route from Ghatarchar of Keraniganj to Kanchpur.
The bus services of Manikganj, Munshiganj, Gazipur and Narayanganj districts outside Dhaka city have been identified as sub-urban transport.
The services of these districts will be managed by three mother companies. All inter-district buses will stop at four terminals outside Dhaka. From there it will enter capital via sub-urban transport.
They also said that there will be at least eight city terminals in Dhaka. Buses of Sub Urban Transport will enter these city terminals.
Passengers will travel to specific destinations via urban Transport from City Terminal. In this case, it has been proposed to minimize 291 routes in Dhaka into 42 routes.
