Dhaka, Beijing defence ties reach unprecedented height: China


UNB, Dhaka :The defence relations between Bangladesh and China have reached an ‘unprecedented height’ in recent times and the two countries have maintained close defence ties over the past four decades. China not only is a reliable and affordable source of weapons and equipment for Bangladesh armed forces, but also provides military technology and training, the Chinese Embassy here said on Wednesday.The Embassy hosted a grand reception on the occasion of the 89th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA).In his welcome speech, Senior Colonel Zhang Wei, Defence Attache of the People’s Republic of China in Bangladesh, highlighted the steady and rapid progress in China-Bangladesh military cooperation in the last few years, “with frequent high-level visits, continuously deepening pragmatic cooperation and fruitful cooperation in personnel training.”Senior Colonel Zhang also appreciated and praised Bangladesh’s position on the South China Sea issues, which believed that the disputes should be resolved through negotiations and consultation by parties directly concerned, and not to be interfered by any third party.
