Devote in pursuits of knowledge on Holy Qadr


Ameer Hamzah :
The word ‘Qadr’ means ‘Power’ or ‘Fate’ or “Majesty’. The night of Qadr is in the last 10 nights of the lunar month of Ramazan–preferably the 27th Ramazan.
The word is taken from the verses No.1, 2, 3 and 4 of Surah Al Qadr, a very early Meccan Surah. The text of the Surah is:
I. Surely We have revealed it (Quran) on the Night of Power.
2. And what will convey unto thee what the Night of Power is!
3. The Night of Power is better than a thousand months,
4. The Angels and the spirit descend therein, by the permission of their Lord, with all decrees,
5. Peace on that night until the rise of the dawn.
Many commentators have taken the word ‘Spirit’ for the Angels of the higher rank, whose physical structure is similar to a man. But some other have taken it for Archangel Jibreel, whom Allah has also attributed as the Holy Spirit (V-16/102), the Faithful Spirit (26/192) and the Honoured Messenger (81/19).
It is worth to mention that the identical verses of AI-Qadr are the first five verses of Surah Ad-Dukhan, a middle group of Meccan Surah. These are:
 I. Ha Mim.
2. By the Book (Quran) that makes things manifest.
3. Surely We have revealed it (Book) on a Blessed Night-for sure We are ever warning-
4. Therein every wise affair is made distinct,
5. A command from us; surely We are the senders (of apostles).
Allah has called that night ‘Blessed’ one on which the Quran was first revealed. It means that the Night of Power and Blessed Night is the same night. And that the revelation of the Quran began in the month of Ramazan as revealed in Verse no.2/185.
“The month of Ramazan is that in which the Quran was revealed, guidance for mankind and clear proofs of the guidance and the distinction (between right and wrong)-(Ref: Surah Baqarah, Verse No.185).”
The Quran has not been revealed for a particular community, but for the whole of mankind. It also explains that Islam unlike the all other religions is not the sum-total of few worships, but aims at establishing such a society as no man shall exploit another and that justice shall prevail.
The Night of Qadr is different from other nights for four reasons. Allah began revelation of the Quran from this night, it is better than a thousand months, fate of every human being for the next one year is decreed on this night, and the Angels and the Spirit descend on the first heaven with all decrees.
On the night of Qadr, Allah decrees the fate of every man for the next one year. He says, “Verily! We have created everything with measure”,-Surah Qamar, Verse No. 49. And elsewhere Allah says that Allah does not help a peoples unless they help themselves first-(Ref: Surah Raad, Verse No. 11).
Commentator Abdullah Yusuf Ali said that ‘A thousand months’ must be taken in an indefinite sense, denoting a very long period of time. Whoso passes this night, researching on the creation of heaven and earth has immense rewards with Allah. But this reward is not for him who leads dishonest life throughout the year.
 Now let us study the first five verses of the Quran revealed on the Night of Power:
1. Read! In the name of thy Lord Who creates,
 2. Creates man from a clot.
 3. Read! And thy Lord is the most Bounteous,
 4. Who teaches man by the Pen,
 5. Teaches man that which he knew not.
(These five verses have been compiled in Surah Alaq)
After receiving the first five verses of the holy Quran in the Cave of the Mt. Hera in 610 AD, the Prophet Muhammad (SM) returned to his residence shivering. He said to his wife Hazrat Khadiza, I know not whether shall I be able to carry out the great responsibility conferred upon me by Allah. Khadiza said: Worry not. Allah will not disgrace you because all the seven excellence qualities of humanity are stored in you.
These are 1) to maintain good relations with kindred and to give them their due, 2) to maintain truthfulness, 3) to remain faithful to trusts, 4) to arrange food, clothing and shelter for orphans, widows, blinds, crippled and disable, 5) to help an unemployed man to get job, 6) to show hospitality, 7) and to stand by the natural calamities affected people.
The very first word ‘Ikra’, means read, research, study and ponder. By it, Allah gives extraordinary weight on acquiring knowledge so that man can distinguish between the right and the wrong, between just and unjust. We read in verse No.5/42: Allah loves those who judge equitably.
But to do justice is possible on the part of him only who has wisdom. In truth, there is no substitute for wisdom. It helps man avoid shirk (ascribing partner to Allah), great sins and indecencies, superstition, bigotry and self-delusion.
On magnitude of knowledge, Hazrat Muhammad (SM) said: Those who seek knowledge are closest to the rank of prophet hood,” -Mizan, Chapter- 2837. It is incumbent upon every Muslim, both male and female, to seek knowledge in all circumstances-Mizan, Chapter-2864. The scholar’s pen is mightier than the blood of martyr,-Mizan, Chapter2839.
Allah says: Call unto the way of thy Lord with wisdom and fair exhortation, and debate with them (disbelievers) in the best manner”-Surah An Nahal, V -125.
In the present world, we cannot properly answer the hate campaigns and criticisms levelled against Islam and the Prophet Muhammad (SM). It is because we have not sufficient knowledge and wisdom.
In Bangladesh, misuse of fatwa and grave worshipping have been continuing for centuries. Islamic scholars like Shah Waliullah Dehlovi, Syed Ahmed Barlovi, Hazi Shariatullah and Syed Mir Nisab Ali Titumir declared jihad against misuse of fatwa, peer puja (saint worshipping), kabar puja (grave worshipping) and all social evils. The war still continues.
Islam docs not believe in idle speculation. Allah says in Verse No.36 of Surah Yunus:
“Most of them (disbelievers) follow naught but conjecture. Assuredly conjecture can by no means take the place of truth.”
He again says in verse No 17/36: (0 Man), follow not (or speak not) that of’ which you have no knowledge. In verses 51/10 and 11, Allah says: Accursed are the conjectures. (And) who are in the gulf of ignorance.
The Prophet said: It is incumbent upon every Muslim, both male and female, to acquire knowledge. He added that the first source of knowledge is the Holy Quran, the second source is Hadith or the Sunnah of the Prophet, the 3rd and the 4th sources are Ijma and Qias.
Reading of the biographies of the prophets, the Islamic history, the general history, the geography, the elementary science, the social studies and the economics are imperative for the Muslims to enrich themselves with knowledge. In fine, the very objective of Qadr is acquiring knowledge and wisdom and to carry research on his creations.
