Deprived aspirants’ supporters attack BNP offices

Supporters of Swechchhasebak Dal aspirant Anwarurzzaman Anwar and other candidates demonstrating as they deprived of getting nominations after appeal hearing in front of BNP's Gulshan Office. Supporters of deprived nomination sekkers (Inset) attacked Kha
Supporters of Swechchhasebak Dal aspirant Anwarurzzaman Anwar and other candidates demonstrating as they deprived of getting nominations after appeal hearing in front of BNP's Gulshan Office. Supporters of deprived nomination sekkers (Inset) attacked Kha

Staff Reporter :
Supporters of BNP’s nomination deprived aspirants’ on Saturday attacked the party chairperson’s Gulshan office in the evening.
Earlier, they also locked the party’s Nayapaltan central office for an hour.
Witnessed said, several hundred supporters of former State Minister for Education affairs ANM Ehsanul Haque Milon who is a nomination aspirant from the party for Chandpur-1, Taimur Alam Khandaker for Narayanganj-1, and Selimuzzamn Selim Gopalganj-1 gathered in front of the Gulshan office in the evening and started demonstrating there.
They chanted slogans demanding their respective leaders nominations. They also chanted slogans critising BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir blaming him for depriving their leaders of nominations.
At one stage, they tried to break the two gates of the office to enter the office.
They also hurled stones at the office, damaging its windowpanes.
Mirza Fakhrul, BNP standing committee members Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain, Nazrul Islam Khan and some other party leaders were there in the office during the demonstration.
Earlier in the day, Ehsanul Haque Milon’s supporters kept BNP’s Nayapaltan central office under lock and key for nearly an hour protesting the party’s decision not to give him party nomination.
A group of leaders and activists of Kachua upazila unit BNP and its associate bodies took position in front of the BNP office around 12:40pm and started demonstration demanding the party nominate Milon, now in jail, to contest in the election from their seat.
They also talked to party Senior Joint-Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi and demanded Milon’s candidacy.
The protesters unlocked the BNP central office’s main gate around 2:15pm giving the party high-command a 12-hour ultimatum to review the decision on the party’s final candidate for Chandpur-1 constituency.
