Dentist murder Prime accused held in city


Staff Reporter :
Police have arrested the main accused in a case over the killing of a dentist by snatcher in city’s Shewrapara.
The detainee was identified as Md Ripon.
Ripon was detained on Wednesday from Bhairbpasha in Nalchhity upazila of Jhalakathi district, said Md Harunur Rashid, Joint Commissioner (cyber & special crime and DB-North) and newly appointed as DIG in a press briefing on Thursday.
Dentist Ahmed Mahi Bulbul was heading towards Shewarapara bus stand on an auto-rickshaw in the early hours on March 27. As he reached Kazipara Begum
Rokeya Sarani Road five muggers intercepted the vehicle and attempted to snatch his valuables.
At one point, the muggers stabbed the doctor as he resisted the mugging.
He was taken to Suhrawardi Medical College and Hospital where doctors declared him dead.
A case was filed at Mirpur Model Police station upon receiving a complaint from Bulbul’s wife Sammi Akter.
On March 30, DB Mirpur zone team arrested four people in connection with the murder. They are Raihan Sohel alias Apan, 27, Rasel Hossain Hawlader, 25, Ariyan Khan Ridoy, 23, and Solaiman, 23.
All of them gave confessional statements before court.
In primary interrogation, Ripon confessed to stabbing Bulbul with a knife, said Joint Commissioner Harunur Rashid.
