Defaming a person is a crime but ridiculing our Prophet is free expression: This hypocrisy not acceptable

The angry reaction in the Muslim world continues to escalate against French President Emmanuel Macron’s anti-Muslim remarks as thousands condemning his hateful language, calling for a boycott of French products.
According to international media reports, thousands of Muslims from the Middle East to Asia are protesting the French government and boycotting French products after President Macron defended the right to display the cartoons of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
From Saudi Arabia to Bangladesh, Iran to Morocco, countries are showing their disgust at the hypocritical hatred against Muslims.
If somebody defames the French president or anybody in France is an offence under French law. This is essential to be civilised. But to some in the West ridiculing the Prophet of Muslim is free expression.
If hatred against Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) is justified as free speech why the Muslims will not be justified to kill him for offending the Muslims? We want an honest answer. It is crime and punishment, as simple as that.
The Muslims respect the Prophets of other religions. Why others cannot be civilised enough not to caricature the Prophet of Islam. For uncivilised behaviour uncivilised punishment is justified.
As part of a class on free speech on October 16, history teacher Samuel Paty showed his students some caricatures of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that had been published by the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in 2015.
Paty was beheaded and killed as deranged offender for not caring the civilised norms about the sensitivity of other people’s religion. He might not be a believer in a religion. That was his problem. It is decadence in anybody to hate other people’s religion. What intellectualism is to be found in hate peddlers of religion?
President Macron has termed Paty a freedom-of-expression hero. He even went as far as to suggest that Islam was in “Crisis” and need of “Enlightenment.” He further said France “will continue the fight for freedom” and “intensify” efforts to end Islamist extremism in the country.
President Macron should consult a psychiatric to know about himself and his enlightenment. It is simple decency not to hurt religious feelings of others. He does not know that hatred is not enlightenment. Whatever he is, as President of wonderful French people he must not endanger their lives by supporting the cause of hate mongers against Islam. The Muslims will not tolerate the insanity of insulting their Prophet.
The cartoons in question have provoked fury among Muslims everywhere. Turkish President asked President Macron to take a “Mental health check” and accused him of running an anti-Islamic agenda. “You are in a real sense fascists, you are in a real sense the links in the chain of Nazism,” he said, comparing the treatment of Muslims in Europe to the Nazi treatment of Jews.
It is to be noted that an Iranian newspaper called Macron a “Demon of Paris”. Others called him “Worships of Satan.” Outside Baghdad’s French embassy, an effigy of Macron was buried along with France’s flag. On Tuesday, thousands of protesters marched through Bangladesh capital Dhaka, calling for a boycott of French products.
President Macron like a responsible person should have condemned the mentally of sick man for offending the Muslims unprovoked. If hatred against a religion is accepted as freedom of speech let them condemn their own religion as much as they please and live happily with their kind of enlightenment. The Muslims do not want any part of it.