Decorating veranda


Weekend Plus Desk :
Veranda or gallery is an additional space for relaxation and entertainment and enhances the beauty of homes. It is an opened gallery, which is usually outside the home. Generally it is the first place where the guests are welcomed and stayed on arrival at home. So you need to make the place beautiful by decorating it with flowers, pieces of scenery, painting and artwork.

Designs of Veranda  
Curved roof Designs
This design adds elegance to the veranda. You can also add curved pieces of furniture to add to the beauty of veranda.
Flat roof Designs
Flat designs of veranda increase the beauty of home for long time. Such verandas are useful in small, square or rectangular homes. · Sun roof Designs: If you want that sunlight or cool air comes to your veranda, choose sunroof designs as it is available with adjustable roof which is controlled by a remote and you can open and close it whenever required.

Lighting for Veranda
Table Lamps
Table lamps give aesthetic look and warm atmosphere to veranda. They are available in different styles and colours and match with the décor.
String Lights
If you want to enjoy more lighting in the evening, use string lights around the veranda. These are decorative lights, which use small amount of electricity.


Ceiling Fan Lights
You can also install ceiling fanlights to get cool air in summer seasons. These fans are available with lights.

You can also go with candles if you do not want to spend on electricity. Candles give small amount of lighting and create a romantic and warm environment.

Furniture for Veranda
The furniture depends on the size of veranda. If you have less space, place one or two pieces of furniture or if you have large space, place furniture many articles of furniture but make sure that it does not create a clutter. The color of the furniture depends upon your choice.
You may go for dark or light colors. Light colors make the space look larger whereas dark colors make room look small. Decorative pieces for veranda such pieces give final touch to your veranda and make it beautiful. You can use plants, decorative vases for decoration of veranda as they change the look of your veranda.
