Declaring lockdown is a bureaucratic idea but human suffering has to be met


Bangladesh needs a well-designed exit plan to determine how to respond to the post-lockdown period and gradual normalisation of economic activities as well as to fight against the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic. Fresh restrictions amid the surge of Indian variants have caused more concerns over the virus outbreak, say public health experts and economists.
They warned that spread of the Indian variants (already detected) across the country might be deadlier. Thus, the authorities must immediately go for a mass vaccination drive both in rural and urban areas. We need all the more pragmatic plans to ensure receiving and providing vaccines properly, as there is a crisis across the globe over availing vaccines due to inadequate production. For this, we can take short, mid and long-term plans to address the pandemic-related crisis.
It has been observed that the pandemic year of 2020, marked by fear, shock and loss, seems to be repeating itself in 2021. But the people fatigued over the prolonged health crisis and its economic fallout no longer want to obey movement restrictions. They want back their joy of living and earning livelihoods. So, any decision regarding the existing lockdown must be based on the reality and economic condition of the people. Otherwise, people will not comply with guidelines, as the lockdown is affecting their day-to-day livelihoods.
Fund disbursement from the government’s stimulus package among the affected people and business groups, plus running social safety net programmes are a challenging job and it needs involvement of local administration and NGOs, along with public representatives. Care must be taken as a lot of allegations has already been made against the local representatives in the distribution of funds. Besides, we should make budgetary allocations, to projects at local level to create employment.
Our bureaucratic administration finds it easy to lockdown, and we don’t say well-considered lockdown is necessary but what we have is a mechanical declaration. The factor of human suffering is not much in consideration. Lockdown also means economic hardship for too many people. Our bureaucrats do not have to bother. They get all the benefits doing nothing during lockdown.
