Death Sentence : An analytical overview

Farhad Uddin Ahmed Bhuiyan, Advocate :
Punishment is, in real sense, an ultimate award paid to the criminals considering the range and degree of the crime. Though throughout the world some of the experts in its kind and criminologists are deeply concern & in dispute that whether death sentence is valid or not to secure the society. To me, it is absolutely important to state that having considered the matter of offence or crime, if applicable, death sentence can really be the single most way of making the society violence free. However, there may have disagreement that it can never be the unique mode rather there will be assorted ways in this aspect. In real extent, I do believe that crime & criminal activities will markedly be die out, if proper punishment-the capital one, in due consideration, is executed. In fact, my standing point is that only capital punishment or death penalty can mostly reduce the number of crime & criminals, if handled properly. We know from the aborigine crime and criminal activities were sticking to gun in the society and/or community. There is no doubt that crime and crime doing tendency crawled to this age over century after century.
In fact, crime can diminish the unlimited potentiality of any nation for which world leaders and experts are worried about the impending snap of crime throughout the world. Though crime & punishment walk together in the civil society, now-a-day, some argument are in favor of the death sentence & some are against of it.
But for the betterment of the society and any nation, I strongly believe & think that the punishment should be ensured duly in the basis of the degree of crime. It is a matter of fact that death sentence can be the milestone for a violence free society & nation. All peace loving people around the world want to lead their life violence free. Question has brought to light to us whether death sentence, more particularly, can reduce the number of crimes in the society or not. I further believe that death sentence can be a tool of reducing the number of new criminals in the society. Without proper award or punishment, hopes for being happy in the society can be just like a day dream. I understand death penalty has necessity to count down the number of crimes & criminals in the society.
 Until the deluge and destruction of this universe crime & violence will remain continued & there can be a proper continuing process by which crime can be checked and made under control. I had better state that the number of crime and violence will, certainly, countdown having the death sentence execution in due manner and new criminals will never show their interest to be the extremist while capital punishment is exercised as of a mode of crime and violence checking. Furthermore, it is important to say that society will get a Hash of peace and security by dint of applying the capital punishment in the case apt to crime & criminal activity. Moreover, no telling to say that justice and equity will be established, if and when capital punishment will be in the line of practice and execution of it in any society or country.
There is nothing deniable that people will be much loyal to the laws and they will never think of taking the law in their hands when death sentence be given and executed to those who are really found guilty to get the sentence. Afterwards, I think & strongly believe that when executing death penalty in any country or society, countries overall T ,aw and order situation will get satisfactory and thus people will be highly pleased.
We find some parts of the world where there is no scope or Law in regard to provide death sentence causing serious violation of law & order situation. Death sentence is absolutely unique in its efficiency to reduce the violence in the society and country.
Thereafter, having executed death sentence, the concern country and society will be highly welcomed and appreciated by other developed nation and community. It is evident that financial stability and foreign investment may also be hindered.
Crime and violence are at apex in any country. One more important point, I feel pleasure to outline here in this way that crime and disorder can paralyze any country’s wheel of progress in all aspects, but when death penalty be given to the genuine criminals in proper way then development indices of country or society will march in full swing. Apart from this, in bringing a large number of people in normal & potential way, death sentence can have significant and meaningful contribution in any community.
The best and credit-worthy means to reduce criminals in the society is nothing but death sentence. At last but not the least, it is significant to express that by way of executing capital punishment, the utmost respect to the ongoing and enforced laws of any country of society will more specifically increased. Hence, the mode of punishment according to me should obviously be the death sentence to get its high volume of benefits in the society. People may think that by putting the criminals to receive death penalty can be, above all, the merciless violation of Human Rights.
Actually, I have no reason to think so. Because criminals do violate human rights through their notorious act. At the bottom line, I want to say crime and criminal activity is allergy like problem which can be checked out or made under- control through proper dose of punishment. I would like to state that there may have other ways to solve this problem but death sentence is the single most effective and well-timed mode to remain the society peaceful and violence free.