Dear teacher, don’t dent her confidence please

Life Desk :
My daughter graduated to the primary school last month and today was her first day in the big school. Needless to say my heart was pounding so hard. My little girl, all of 6, was going to be away from home for seven plus hours – equal to my working hours.
A lot will change henceforth. From now on, we would have to give up on our elaborate story sessions in the night and I will have to tuck her into the bed by 8 pm every night – leaving us with only two hours for everything – because I am a working mom. Her mornings will start early and I won’t be able to let her sleep a little more, like she always innocently pleads every morning.
Trying to stay positive, I got her ready in the morning. I was desperately trying to make time pass by slowly. I woke her up well in time. Sitting with her in the balcony, I could feel the morning breeze settling the storm in my heart until I checked the time on my phone. I held her in my arms and took her to the bathroom. We brushed her teeth, bathed and I got her ready in the new school uniform. She innocently asked me, “Mumma! How will I make new friends?” I comforted her by saying, “Don’t try too hard. You will just know.” Her little world was worried about not having friends in the class, while her mommy was hell worried about everything.
We reached the bus stop and I tried to keep her distracted by engaging her in our nonsensical banter. I think it was more to help me feel positive. Finally, the bus came and I helped her board the bus. One of the teachers took out some papers and asked me about the drop location. Seeing me talk to the teacher, my daughter also stood close to the first sitting row. Suddenly a teacher from the first row snapped at her, “Sit down on the seat.” Suddenly I saw her happy face turn into melancholy.
 She sat down on the nearest seat quietly. I didn’t realize that her bag was still with me, probably that’s what she was standing for. So I called her out – “Baby, take your bag please”. She looked at me, walked a few steps towards me, took the bag and the teacher shouted again – “Didn’t I ask you to sit down?” She lowered her gaze and went back to the seat.
I, then, turned my eyes to the teacher. She had a very stern expression with her forehead deeply creased. I momentarily cringed thinking that I was leaving my daughter with her. The bus left and I had tears rolling down my eyes. Her facial expression didn’t leave my mind and it was killing me.
I wish I could tell her that we all have tough days.
Our lives are not smooth. But we parents leave our children with you, hoping that you will help them flourish. Hoping that your actions will help them fly, not dent their confidence. Had you found my daughter misbehave, I would have understood your reason to being so stern but she entered that bus with hope for a new beautiful beginning. I can’t see any valid reason behind what she got in return.
You don’t know my daughter but wish I could tell you a bit about her. She is a love seeker. She tries really hard to please everyone, so hard that sometimes I have to tell her that it’s fine if everyone doesn’t like her. That’s not it. Her teachers have never complained about her behavior, never! Only if you had given her a chance…

