Dean of 8 CU Faculties elected


Chattogram Bureau :
Dean of eight faculties of Chittagong University (CU) has been elected. In this, 4 nominees of Awami yellow party, 3 rebels of yellow party and one dean of pro-BNP Nationalist Teachers Forum have been elected. Dean election was held on Wednesday from 9:00am to 1:00pm in the auditorium of the Faculty of Sociology.
After the counting of votes, the results were announced by the Acting Registrar of the University and Chief Returning Officer for Dean Selection, Professor SM Monirul Hasan.
Elected Dean yellow party rebel candidate in the Faculty of Arts and Anthropology, Professor of Department of History, Mohammad Mahbubul Haque. Yellow party rebel candidate in the Faculty of Science, Professor of Department of Physics Md Nasim Hasan. Yellow party candidate in the Faculty of Business Administration, Professor of Department of Accounting, Helal Uddin Nizami. The candidate of the yellow party in the Faculty of Sociology is Professor Siraj Ud Daullah of the Department of Public Administration. Professor Abdullah Al Farooq, the rebel candidate of the Yellow Party in the Faculty of Law. Yellow party candidate in the Faculty of Engineering, Professor of Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Rashed Mostafa. Yellow team candidate in the Faculty of Biology, Professor of Department of Microbiology, Mohammad Touhid Hossain. In the Faculty of Marine Sciences and Fisheries, the candidate of the pro-BNP Nationalist Teachers Forum, the director of the institute, Dr Md Shafiqul Islam.
