Dealing with a negative co-worker


Life Desk :
Does waking up in the morning and going to work take an immense amount of effort? Do you feel like your workplace is seething with negativity and resentment?
No matter where the negativity stems from, the power to resist and move above all the petty hostility lies solely in your hands. Here are a few ways you can address the issue and keep yourself safe from the pessimism, apart from harmonising the environment for yourself and others.
 Recognise the source- Negativity often stems from gossip and rumors or misinformation and intentional assumptions. The most important part is to identify the reason of the bitterness, based on your own understanding and knowledge and not solely on hearsay and idle talk, reports the TNN.
 Talk it out- It can be surprising how much a mature conversation can help a sticky situation. Don’t contribute to the negativity by succumbing to the bitterness and becoming defensive with your co-worker. Instead, talk it out. Listening is equally important. Sometimes people need a sounding board and your availability to help out might just help your co-worker.
