CU student picked up by plainclothes men:Family claims at press confce

A Correspondent :
A Chittagong University student was picked up by plainclothes people from his Bakalia residence in the port city on Sunday, the family claimed on Wednesday.
There was no case against Md Nezam Uddin, an LLB final year student, before, his brother Abbas Uddin told a press conference at Chittagong Press Club.
Abbas said he and Nezam have been living in Baramiya Masjid area for several years.On that day, the plainclothes men handcuffed his brother and picked him up through a microbus, said Abbas. “I went to Bakalia Police Station to file a GD, but to no avail. When we rushed to DB office, they did not pay heed to me,” he added. Nezam can be produced before a court if he is found guilty, said his father Ahmed Kabir.
Bakalia police Officer-in-Charge Abul Mansoor said the family did not want to file a general diary but to know whether Nezam was arrested. “But we had no information about it.”
Bebdas Bhattacharya, additional commissioner (crime and operation) of CMP, said, “We are looking into it.”