CU Kha’ unit exam today


CU Correspondent :

The first-year honours entrance test of ‘Kha’ unit for the 2020-21 academic session of Chittagong University (CU) will be held today and tomorrow. In ‘Kha’ unit, 42,667 admission seekers have applied for 1,221 seats. 35 candidates will contest for each seat. The test of this unit will be held in two shifts in two days. On the first day, 28446 students will take part in two shifts and 14221 people will take part in one shift on the second day.
Confirming the matter CU Proctor Robiul Hasan Bhuiyan said that all formalities of admission test have already done.We have taken all the preparations to hold the admission tests smoothly and peacefully .All the admission tests will be held in CU centres brought under strict surveillance to prevent any forgery. More than 500 police and others security forces will be engaged during the admission test.
This year entrance test of the University will be hold under four units and two sub-units. The ‘D’ unit admission test will he held on 30 and 31 October and ‘C’ unit on October 29 , ‘A’ unit on November 1, 2 and B1 and D1 sub-units exam will be held November 5.
