CU female student harassed Accused gets one month jail


CU Correspondent :

A female student of Chittagong University (CU) has been sexually harassed by a Madrasah teacher on a bus. Law enforces have arrested the accused and granted one month jail.
The arrestee is identified as Md. Jamal Uddin (35). He is a madrasah teacher who is residing at Baizid area in Chittagong.
The incident took place on bus which was moving to city from 1no gate of the university around 5 pm on Saturday.
Confirming the matter Assistant Commissioner of Hathazari Land Office Samrat Krisha said, we heard the both sides. Mobile Court has granted one month simple imprisonment under section 509 of the Penal Code against accused as Eve-teasing is proved against him. Afterward he was sent to Hathazari Model Thana.
The victims said, “I was going to City. The accused sitting next seat of mine, repeatedly was touching me and intending to insult my modesty. At first, I requested him not to do this but he uttered insulting words towards me.
 Later, I protested him and other students on the bus took him to the police and handed him over to the police.
University Proctor Prof S M Monirul Hasan said, “After hearing the incident , we came to the spot and handed the accused over Mobile Court.
However, the victim is student of Marketing department under 2015-16 academic session.
