Ctg students also want half pass on public transports


Chattogram Bureau :
Students of Chattogram are agitating for introduction of half fare in public transports in the city. .They started the agitation on Wednesday (December 1) at around 11 pm at the corner of Cheragi hill in the city.Asking whether the students of Dhaka only study, the agitators said that if a decision is taken, it should be applicable to all. There is no room for discrimination. Has the price of oil been increased only for Dhaka city? Half fare should be made effective for students in public transport not in Dhaka but in the whole country.
Kotwali Police Officer-in-Charge (OC) Nezam Uddin said the students were protesting demanding half fare and safe roads. Upon receiving the news, we arrived at the scene. I am trying my best so that the traffic is not disrupted.
