Cruel and corrupt politics nowhere helped to build a peaceful society

Incidents of brutalities have increased alarmingly in Dhaka and elsewhere in the country in recent months with killing, sexual abuse, and torture becoming rampant. The government is the worst example of cruelty zone and needs nation building leaders to build a civilised society. Our society is in control of political thugs cruel and corrupt. The government machinery is wholly in support of them.
We have proved that our educated people are too selfish to place self interest above everything else. They have easily surrendered their responsibility towards the country. Most of them are bookish educated with no creative and constructive ideas. Otherwise we could ask families to imbibe values and tolerances when state cruelty is tolerated every way. What is needed most urgently is to give up intellectual hypocrisy and opportunism so that our young leaders do respect peaceful coexistence and values of good character.
It is that family cruelty is rising but the reason is not family fault. State cruelty is spreading cruelty everywhere. Reasonable and rational settlement of differences is becoming difficult when easy solution is violence or abuse police power. Protected hired ruffians are available. Killers are involved in a majority of these cases.
Many people have become intolerant due to the prolonged effect of the Covid-19 pandemic, financial crunch, and absence of healthy entertainment. Emotional turmoil and depression have made many violent, even suicidal. Culture of impunity and the decline of social values play a vital role in increasing interpersonal crimes. Criminal tendencies and aggressive behaviour see a rise when social values go down. The family is the first and vital social institution. Its malfunctioning may trigger instability in the state.