Criticising corruption is meaningless when the system survives through educated corrupt ones

The story of alleged looting of people’s money for decades with patronage from high-ups in RAJUK is almost known to each and every one.
A media report in a national daily on Sunday said that judge Dr. Abul Hossain Khandaker has filed complaint against RAJUK Director Sheikh Shahinul Islam with the Chairmen of RAJUK and Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), and other concerned offices in this regard. Surprisingly, the report did not care particulars of the judge to know who he is. But the report mentioned in detail that facts leading to the officer who demanded the money.
 Lies based politics has made it easy for everybody to be irresponsible exposing our national character of worshipping power and suppressing the misdeeds of the powerful ones.
The report is not ours even then there is no need for verifying the truth because corruption is everywhere from top to bottom. The person who allegedly demanded bribe he in truth made such demand on behalf of his higher authorities.
In a society where corruption and plundering go on knowingly and freely it is also difficult to know which story published in the media is honest. For the honest ones to keep journalism honest is a big headache. When the established newspapers cannot pay the journalists living salaries how so many newspapers exist in Bangladesh is a question better not to be asked.
The whole value system is being destroyed by lies and corruption but to most our educated people their lucrative jobs are important, and country and its future mean nothing.
The situation is hopeless for the general public. The politics and state machinery is used for producing criminals. It is a sorry state but our educated people are happy being beneficiary of the system.
 We praise those who are still taking risks to remain honest and serve the people honestly. Because of them we can feel proud of. But in the midst of celebration of sycophancy and lies of the corruption among the timid educated ones where lies the hope for better future?