Crimes by Rohingyas : It’s an administrative failure


IT’S the story of a notorious Rohingya dacoit Nur Mohammad at Teknaf in Cox’s Bazar who had thrown a lavish party marking the ear-piercing ceremony of his daughter. But it’s not the main news. The major news was that – his daughter got about one kilogram of gold ornaments and cash of taka 45 lakh as gifts from the invited guests, who were mostly dacoits, Yaba traders, terrorists and hardcore criminals. A number of cows and goats were slaughtered for the feast. A party indeed!
Confirming the news, Officer-in-Charge of Teknaf Police Station Pradip Kumar Das told the media that police have already raided his den a couple of times to nab the dacoit but failed as he has taken shelter in the deep forest of Teknaf. What’s significant is that Nur Mohammad arranged the party at a time on which day it was scheduled to repatriate the Rohingya refugees (August 22). We know, the Rohingya repatriation attempt miserably failed but the Rohingya dacoit’s programme was successful.
Local elected representatives said that Nur Mohammad at first came to Bangladesh crossing the border in 1992. Later, he rented a house at Jadimpura area of Ward no-9 under Nila Union. In course of time, he became a permanent resident of the area purchasing land and houses. Side by side, he formed a big dacoit group with the help of Rohingya refugees. Recently, he became very powerful following the further influx of new Rohingyas. Police further said after attending Nur Mohammad’s party, a gang of Rohingyas knifed and killed local Jubo League leader Omar Faruk with a view to showing their might.
We don’t blame Rohingyas alone. It’s highly surprising how so many criminals gathered at a social party dodging surveillance of the law enforcers? Where were the intelligence operatives? We often hear that – refugee camps remain under round-the-clock watch by deploying a huge number of law enforcers. The local army garrisons are also providing safety to them. Formation of a new special unit of police is under process for the Rohingya refugees. Even so, how Rohingya refugees can come out to engage themselves in crimes — isn’t it a big question? We must say, it’s a total failure of local administration.
