Cracks in SAARC fountain, waterlogging in Panthapath


Staff Reporter :
Cracks have been developed in a part of the west side wall of the SAARC fountain in the capital’s Karwan Bazar intersection on Monday.
The water coming from the fountain has caused waterlogging in the road and adjacent Panthapath. As a result, pedestrians and vehicles have to suffer a lot on the day.
According to the locals, cracks appeared in the walls of the SAARC foyer area early in the day.
 Since then, water has been flowing from the cracks of fountain. Meanwhile, the WASA authorities did not come to solve the problem despite waterlogging on the road.
It was seen on the spot in the afternoon, the wall of a part of the western side of the SAARC fountain was seen bursting and water was flowing with full force. The bitumen of the road in that part has also gone up. A few holes have also been created. As a result, movement of vehicles and pedestrians was very difficult.
Shimul Hossain, on duty Traffic Sergeant at the corner of SAARC fountain, told the reporters, around 3 am of the night, water spread on the road. “When I went to look for the source of water, I saw that there were many cracks in the SAARC fountain. Water was coming out from there. But we didn’t not know the reason, ”he said.
When asked, WASA’s Sayedabad water treatment plant mechanic Faruque Mallick said, “We got the news around 3 pm. But there was a private car parked on the spot where the water is to be turned off. The owner could not be found on time. So it’s too late to stop”.
Later around 4:30 pm I found the owner of the car and removed the car from the spot.
However, work is underway to turn off the water, he added.
