Crackdown on hoarding: 15,000 liters of Soybean oil seized in Chattogram


UNB, Chattogram :

A team of the Directorate of National Consumer Rights Protection in a drive seized 15,000 liters of soybean oil from three warehouses at Pahartoli in Chattogram port city on Monday.


During a nationwide drive against hoarding edible oil by some unscrupulous businessmen, a team of the department raided Siraj Store and seized the oil from its three warehouses, said deputy director of Directorate of National Consumer Rights Protection, Chattogram Foyez Ullah.

Earlier, on Sunday, the Directorate of National Consumer Rights Protection in another drive seized 1050 bottles of edible oil kept hidden in a shop at Karnaphuli market and fined its owner Abdul Halim Tk 40,000 for hoarding oil.
