Fraud case: Court summons Federal Insurance Chairman

Economic Reporter :
Chairman and four officials of Federal Insurance Ltd were summoned to appear before the CMM court. A case was filed in allegation of not paying insurance claim and fraud at the court on Sunday.
Chairman of Dot Com Sweater Ltd Sayed Faizul Ahsan had filed the case against the Federal Insurance Chairman Anamul Haque, Managing Director (MD) Mahiuddin Chowdhury, retired MD AKM Sarawardi Chowdhury and Assistant MD Rafiqul Islam, according to rule 406, 420, 422, 109, said the plaintiff’s lawyer Khaled Hasan Sarker.
According to the sources, Dot Com Sweater Ltd had signed for two policies worth Tk 16 crore 16 lakh 50 thousand with Federal Insurance in 2012. It was declared that if the policy taker becomes defaulter it will receive financial compensation from the insurance company Federal Insurance. Dot Com Sweater Ltd had paid Tk 4 lakh 2 thousand 867 as premium.  
Later in 14 November 2013, Dot Com Sweater Ltd due to incident of blaze lost its capital machineries. The survey company measured its loss and recommended compensation for Tk 3 crore 52 lakh 76 thousand 84. The Dot Com Sweater Ltd then applied for compensation to the Federal Insurance company.  
But the Federal Insurance company did not pay the claim of Dot Com Sweater Ltd, so they filed the case for receiving the claim.