Court summon pasted on gate of Khaleda’s residence


Staff Reporter :A court official on Tuesday pasted a notice in front of BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia’s Gulshan residence summoning her to appear before the court in a sedition case.The official pasted the notice at the main gate of her Gulshan residence around 5.00pm.Sirajul Islam, Officer-in-Charge of Gulshan Police Station, confirmed the matter to The New Nation on Tuesday night.”One court messenger was sent to Khaleda Zia’s residence with the notice but no one there to receive it. He pasted the notice at the gate, later on,” the OC added.Earlier on Monday, a Dhaka court has asked the BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia to appear before it on March 3 in a sedition case filed for her controversial remarks on the count of martyrs in the 1971 Liberation War.Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate Mohammad Rashed Talukdar had passed the order on the day after a hearing in this regard.Earlier in the day, Momtaz Uddin Ahmed Mehedi, a pro-Awami League Supreme Court lawyer, filed the case with the Dhaka Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (CMM) court.The case was filed after getting approval from the Home Ministry.On Sunday, the Home Ministry gave approval to file the case.According to the case statement, Khaleda tried to distort the history of Bangladesh’s origin with her statement on the count of martyrs in the 1971 Liberation War.On December 21 last year, Khaleda Zia expressed doubt about the number of people who sacrificed their lives during the Liberation War in 1971, claiming the figure is disputed. “There are also many books and documents on the controversies.”
