Gouging out of Shahjalal's eyes in Khulna: Court directs DB submit fresh investigation report


Khulna Correspondent :
A court here has directed to Detective Branch (DB) of Khulna Metropolitan Police (KMP) to submit fresh investigation report in the case of Md Shahjalal whose both the eyes were allegedly gouged out by policemen without getting the hush money reportedly demanded by the police while he was under the custody of policemen of Khalishpur police station which is direct violation of section 20 of Torture and Death (Prevention) Act (Law), 2013 under police custody and which is punishable offence and also the violation of sections 143, 323 and 326 of Bangladesh Penal Code.  
On February 15, 2018, lawyer of Shahjalal submitted Naraji (Objection) petition against the investigation report submitted by the IO of Police Bureau of Investigation (PBI) to the court and as such the court directed to DC, DB of KMP to submit fresh investigation report. The next date was fixed by the court on March 25, 2018, said Adv Mominul Islam, advocate for the complainant and who is also Khulna district Coordinator of Bangladesh Human Rights Implementation Organisation.
Khulna Judicial Magistrate Md. Shahidul Islam gave the verdict on Sunday (February 25,2018).
Earlier, members of Police Investigation Bureau (PBI) of Khulna submitted report in a Khulna court claiming as innocent the accused policemen including OC Nasim Khan of Khalishpur police station under Khulna Metropolitan police (KMP). Due to mysterious reason, OC Nasim Khan recently was transferred to Horintana police station during the pendancy the case in the court, filed by the mother of the victim Shahjalal whose both the eyes were allegedly gouged out by policemen without getting the hush money reportedly demanded by the police while he was under the custody of policemen of Khalishpur police station which is direct violation of section 20 of Torture & Death (Prevention) Act (Law), 2013 under police custody and which is punishable offence and also the violation of sections 143, 323 and 326 of Bangladesh Penal Code.  
However, if it is stated in the investigation report that it could not be ascertained the actual criminals regarding the gouging out of both the eyes of Shahjalal. For this reason, a question has arisen in the heart of the common people – Then who gouged out Shahjalal’s eyes ?
PBI’s Khulna Inspector Md. Bablur Rahman Khan submitted the investigation report after 144 days on January 14, 2018 (Monday ) in the court. The report was signed by additional police superintendent of Khulna PIB Muhammad Anisur Rahman.
The next day of the case was fixed on February 15, 2018, Court sources said.
