Couple hurt in Meherpur bomb attack

UNB, Meherpur :
A couple sustained splinter injuries in a bomb attack by robbers at Hinda village in Gangni upazila on Thursday midnight.
The injured were identified as Akbar Ali, 45, and his wife Nargis Khatun, 38 of the village.
Local sources said, a gang of armed robbers stormed into the house of Akbar Ali around midnight and made the inmates hostage at gunpoint. They looted cash money, cattle and other valuables from the house.
When Akbar shouted for help, robbers hurled two bombs towards the couple
 and escaped with the booty, leaving both injured.
Later, local people rescued the couple and took them to Kushtia Medical College Hospital.
In another incident, muggers hurled two crude bombs at a picnic bus carrying the members of a youth club at Amdah in Sadar upazila of Meherpur district on Wednesday night.
The bomb hit the windshield of the bus, but no one was hurt in the attack, said Sheikh Atiar Rahman, officer-in-charge of Meherpur Sadar Police Station.