‘Country to see surplus productions of fisheries, poultry, milk, eggs meat within 3-5 years’


Economic Reporter :
Agriculture Minister Dr Mohammad Abdur Razzaque on Saturday said that the country would see surplus productions of fisheries, poultry, milk, eggs and meat within the next three to five years thanks to the modern technology uses.
The minister made the remarks while addressing a virtual meeting marking World Veterinary Day 2021, organized by the Bangabandhu Veterinary Parisad.
“The government has taken a challenge to ensure an adequate supply of protein to the country people, for which we prioritised the livestock sector,” he said.
Abdur Razzaque urged the Veterinary surgeons to come forward with innovative technology to boost the high-protein containing item productions.
He also said that people’s earnings needed to be increased to ensure intake of protein, through further employment generation.
“Otherwise, they will not be able to consume these items despite having good productions.”
The Minister said that agriculture had been playing an important role in alleviating poverty.
About 28 per cent of people in the country still have nothing except their small houses, while around 56 per cent are landless, said Razzaque.
Fisheries and Livestock secretary Rownaq Mahmud was the special guest at the programme, in which Prof Dr AS Mahfuzul Bari presented a keynote paper on the veterinarian response to the Covid-19.
