Coronavirus-infected Bangladeshi in critical condition in Singapore

Staff Reporter: One Bangladeshi expatriate worker in Singapore infected with coronavirus
is now in a very critical condition, said Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen on Wednesday.
The minister said also that medicine given to the patients is not responding now. 
Singapore’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan conveyed the updates over telephone to his Bangladeshi counterpart Dr Momen in the morning of the day.
Dr. Momen told it journalists after attending a function in the capital.
So far five Bangladeshi citizens have so far been infected with coronavirus in Singapore, according to Singapore Health Ministry.
“Singapore government is doing their best to take care the Bangladeshi migrant worker with top-notch medical services,” said the foreign minister.
He said that, before getting infected with the coronavirus, the 39-year-old Bangladeshi man had been suffering from respiratory and kidney problems. He has been in the intensive care unit for the last 13 days.
Singapore authorities remain very sensitive and supportive to the Bangladeshi community, Dr. Momen added.
He said also that the Singapore government is bearing all the medical costs for the infected Bangladeshi citizens who are undergoing treatment there.