6234547 citizens under CIMS: Cops to go door to door to update citizen info: DMP

Staff Reporter :
Police are going to knock every house in the capital throughout this week to update citizen information under ‘Citizen Information Management System (CIMS)’ as part of their preventive measures to avert threats of crimes mainly by militant attacks.
Till date, the Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) has compiled data of over 62,34,547 people under the CIMS, living in the capital. Of them, 2,41,507 are house owners and 18,20,094 are tenants. The data also showed 1,21,040 mess members, 8,83,984 drivers and maids, and 1100 others.
DMP Commissioner Asaduzzaman Mia on Saturday disclosed the matter at a press briefing at the DMP Media Centre while inaugurating “Citizen Information Collection Week”, aimed at creating awareness among house owners and tenants about providing necessary information on citizens living in the city. It will continue until June 21.
DMP is trying to include all updated information under the CIMS aiming of the developing this software to gather necessary information very quickly whenever police needs, he said.
The DMP chief admitted that the update of CIMS has not been going smoothly due to negligence of police as well as the non-cooperation of the house owners and tenants.
“We’ve started to collect information again through the ‘Citizen Information Collection Week’ as we feel that there are threats of militant and terror attacks,” the DMP commissioner said. Recently, there was a drive of RAB at a militant den in the city’s Bosila area. That house owner didn’t provide tenant’s information to police, he said.
“They (militants) fear hiding in the capital because of the DMP’s CIMS database system,” the Commissioner said, adding that it has been helping to prevent crimes.
The CIMS project was launched in 2015 but officially started in 2016 after the deadly militant attack on Holey Artisan café. He mentioned that the DMP has been observing the ‘Citizen Information Collection Week’ so that no one is left out of the CIMS database.
After completion of the week, a special team of senior police officers, formed by the DMP Headquarters, will randomly visit houses to ensure that everyone is included in the CIMS system, the Commissioner added.
“If we can complete this task without a hitch, not only terrorism and militancy, but also crimes like murder and robbery will be stopped in Dhaka,” he said seeking cooperation from the city dwellers.
Every tenant is given a unique number and information is updated whenever he or she shifts residence to another place within the capital.