Coping with coronavirus anxiety

MD. Maruf Billah :
The corona virus pandemic can be a stressful and frightening experience for everyone. Ongoing changes to work, educational institute, traveling and social gathering can create a great deal of uncertainty and fear. Go through the following steps to find out tips to help you cope with the circumstances-
1. SET LIMITS ON THE NEWS CONSUMPTION: The continuous news cycle can fuel catastrophic thinking and anxiety. So set limits on how regularly you’re turning into updates (e.g. checking only a certain number of limits a day). If you’re prone to worrying in bed, restrict how much you read before you sleep. Critically be sure to check that the news source is reputable and objective, rather than based on speculation and hysteria. Now’s not the time for fake news.
2. REACT APPROPRIATLY RATHER THAN TO ANXIETY: It’s one thing to be prepared but another to be grossly over prepared. Fear can lead not only to excessive stockpiling of supplies, but also repeated cleaning that is fear-based rather than hygiene-based. Head to an accurate source for good hygiene, self-isolation and social distancing.
3. FOCUS ON WHAT’S IN YOUR CONTROL, ACCEPT WHAT ISN’T: It can be challenging not knowing what will happen next, bit now more than ever it appears that uncertainty is the certainty that we rely on. It’s time to accept what is beyond your control and focus on it. Now’s a great time to shift your mindset and to take a closer look at how unhelpful interpretations and thinking styles may be escalating your anxiety for more on thinking styles.
4. CONNECT IN OTHER WAYS: Social distancing may be the new block and it certainly has a role in preventing the spread of coronavirus. However, social connection is dangerous for wellbeing, so consider be connected via phone or online. Alsothink of others in your community who may need a bit of extra help, they may be unable to go grocery shopping or are avoiding going out because they are immunosuppressed. Consider how you could help them while protecting them by sticking to social distancing.
5. REIMAGINE YOUR ROUTINE: With changes to work restrictions on social gatherings and experiences of self-isolation, disruptions to routine are inevitable. However, try to keep as much of the structure from your ‘regular’ life as possible. Maintain consistent sleep and wake times, get out of your bed to start your work day and work in a designated area at home. Keeping routines consistent during this time will help make re-adjusting down the track far easier.
6. LOOK AFTER YOUR BODY: Staying healthy isn’t just good for protecting yourself against COVID-19. There’s also a strong link between maintaining good physical health and good mental wellbeing. Prioritize exercise, sleep, and a healthy diet as they’re important building blocks for maintaining your overall physical and psychological health.

(MD. Maruf Billah, Department of Management Studies, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibru Rahman Science and Technology University. E-mail: [email protected])
