Cop suspended for harassing woman for wearing Teep


Staff Reporter :
A police constable identified as Nazmul Tareque has been suspended and taken into police custody on Monday on charge of humiliating a female college teacher in the Farmgate area on Saturday.
The constable Nazmul was working in the protection division of Dhaka Metropolitan. Biplob Kumar Sarkar, Deputy Commissioner (DC) of Dhaka Metropolitan Police’s Tejgaon division, confirmed the matter to the media saying that the accused Nazmul had been taken into police custody and suspended on Monday. A three-member inquiry committee has already been formed to investigate the incident. The matter will be investigated and the truth will be shared following due process. Further action will be taken if any
involvement is found against him, DC Biplob added.
Earlier around 8:15 am on Saturday (April 2), a female teacher of Tejgaon College named Lata Samaddar filed a complaint with the Sher-e-Bangla Nagar police station alleging that a police officer harassed her for wearing teep in the capital’s Farmgate area.
The accused police constable also tried to run over her with his bike when she protested. She saved herself quickly moving aside, but sustained some injuries as she fell on the street, according to the complaint.
After the incident, the issue later went viral on social media, and it was widely discussed and criticized.
Subarna Mustafa, actress and a Member of Parliament from the reserved women’s seat in the National Assembly, condemned it and demanded justice while she was speaking in the parliament.
