Consultation on social protection in empowering women held


A national consultation on “Policy Brief on Convergence between Migration, Employment and Social Protection in Empowering Women in Communities of Origin” was held at conference room of Business Faculty at Dhaka University (DU) campus on Thursday.
Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit (RMMRU), International Labour Organization (ILO) and Department for International Development jointly organized the event.
Presided over by the founding chair of the RMMRU Dr Tasneem Siddiqui, a total of four policies brief were presented at the function focusing particularly on social protection in empowering women in labour market.
Associate Professor of DU Economics department Dr Sayema Haque Bidisha presented a key note on “Labour Supply” in the function highlighting the challenges and prospects of domestic labour supply.
She particularly emphasized on women and pointed out that although the women participation in labour market is increasing day by day, but due to illiteracy the women participation in the market is still quite low.
Associate Professor of DU Population Science department Dr Md Kamrul Islam also presented a key paper on “Labour Demand Dynamics” underscoring that “Bangladesh has a large number of surplus labour in one hand and acute shortage of skilled workers for many potential sectors on the other”.
Member of Executive Committee of RMMRU S N Azad presented a key note on “Poverty Trends” focusing on displacement of the people due to natural disaster caused poverty and migration to other place or outside the country.
However, Associate Professor of DU International Relations department Dr ASM Ali Ashraf also presented a key memo on “Migration Trends” highlighting that “Unemployment has bigger effect on internal migration than on international migration”.
