POEMS: Congratulation

(Oh the great Mohathir Mohammad)
-Dr Augustine Cruze

The oldest leader of this planet earth
What a strange!
What an astounding spirit
What a patriotic zeal
Ever known dedicated self ninety-two years of age
Unrest a patriotic spirit
Protesting corruption scandal of predecessor
The model of historic strand.
The germs the sprouts
Susceptible to society’s disease
 Contaminate the humans’ blood
The root causes to destroy a nation
Your patriotic spirit not words but acts
Stronger than the bullet and nuclear bomb
Impartiality justice the spiritual power.
Oh the flame of a nation
I congratulate you I salute you
Live long whip the corrupt
Example of unconditional love for humans as God
Unthirsty for reward burying all egoism and selfishness
But spiritual thirst to satisfy self
Never I mind my verses never reached to you
Enough if known by the global leaders.
