Congenial environ for challenged people a must: PM

Marking the 9th World Autism Awareness Day Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina participated at a cultural programme organised by the autistic children at the Bangabandhu International Conference Centre on Saturday.
Marking the 9th World Autism Awareness Day Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina participated at a cultural programme organised by the autistic children at the Bangabandhu International Conference Centre on Saturday.

UNB, Dhaka :Expressing her firm commitment to create a congenial atmosphere for people with autism, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Saturday said the government is taking steps for taking care of the orphan autistic people.”A question always crosses my mind when the parents of an autistic child will pass away what will happen to it where it will go…we’ve taken a step to provide them shelter. This is the responsibility of the state,” she said.The Prime Minister said this while inaugurating the 9th World Autism Awareness Day at Bangabandhu International Conference Centre (BICC).The Ministry of Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and the Education Ministry jointly arranged the function. Social Welfare Secretary Dr Chowdhury M Babul Hossain chaired the programme.Health Minister Mohammad Nasim and chairman of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Social Welfare Ministry Mozammel Hossain spoke at the programme. Chairperson of the National Advisory Committee on Autism in Bangladesh and Member of the WHO’s Advisory Panel on Mental Health, Saima Wazed Hossain gave her address through a pre-recorded video message. The mentality to neglect the physically and mentally-challenged people has to be changed, the Prime Minister said adding, “They also can give something to society as well, our aim is to give them the scope, the autistic people must not be neglected…we’ll give them a congenial atmosphere.”Urging the private sector to come forward to assist the government in ensuring the wellbeing of people with autism Sheikh Hasina said, “They’re also human being, they’re the part of this society, we’ve to work for them, too,” she said.Citing some examples of world renowned scientists, literetaurers and musicians, Hasina said the physically- and mentally-challenged children have to be included in the mainstream of society to utilise their hidden talents.”We’ll have to give them all the scopes to flourish their merits, and we’re working towards that direction,” she said.Putting emphasis on providing special care to the children with autism disorder by keeping their special demands in mind, Hasina said those kids could be turned into valuable assets by giving special care.
