Communal harmony Committee in each ward mulled


Staff Reporter :
Local Government and Rural Development Minister Md. Tajul Islam on Sunday said that committee would be formed in each ward to maintain the communal harmony.
“Committees would be formed in every ward with ward members and prominent citizens to crush those who tried to harm sectarian harmony,” the minister said while presiding over a virtual view exchange meeting with elected public representatives including city corporations and municipalities’ mayors, Union council chairmen and ward councilors and members.
The minister said that the committees will suppress with strong hand all those who would try to create anarchies among the religions.
He asked all to identify and bring to justice the miscreants responsible for creating violence among communities.
“A quarter are trying to create divisions among people and start sectarian violence in different areas in the country. The public representatives have to stay alert to prevent those miscreants,” the minister said.
He said ensuring peace and harmony among the society is a very important responsibility on the part of the public representatives.
They will not allow anyone to make anarchies in the country by provoking a religious community against other.
The minister asked the mayors, councilors and members to monitor the Masjids and Temples to prevent the miscreants from creating anarchies.
