College student murdered after kidnap

Chittagong Bureau :
Police have found the dead body of HSC first year student who was strangulated to death by hired killers after being kidnapped over a land ownership dispute between the victim’s father and one local person.
The victim, Riyad Rahman Showrov, 16, son of Chittagong Port employee Mohammad Mostafa, resident of Nilachol Residential area at the area, student of Chittagong Port Authority Boys School and College, was missing since January 23, police said.
The law enforcing agency nabbed an alleged killer, Abul Kashem, 25, in this connection, said Bandar police station OC Jahedul Islam.
He said Riyad’s father Mostafa lodged a general dairy with Bandar police station on January 23 night mentioning that his son was missing as he did not come back to residence after going out to attend in Magrib prayer. Later, police after an investigation over the victim and his family nabbed Kashem at around 1am on Saturday from the area while they found the victim’s body from a flat in Chittagong city’s Patenga area at around 3am with the information from Kashem.
Quoting Kashem, the OC said a rival local resident of Mostafa, who has dispute with him over land ownership, hired Kashem, along with three others, all were from Barguna district, to kill Riyad in exchange of Tk 8,00,000.
On January 23, Kashem’s cohort, Mohibur, who was known to the victim, phoned Riyad to come out from the residence while the killers kidnapped the poor boy when he reached Mohib mentioned place.
Later, they took Riyad into the residence and killed him on that day according to their plan. They kept the body into a drum and sealed the drum in an over-roof storeroom of the flat’s toilet, said the OC, quoting Kashem who confessed these before police in initial interrogation.
The body was sent to Chittagong Medical College Hospital morgue for autopsy, also said the OC.
The police official said they were conducting drive to nab the other killers and the mastermind of the murder, however, he did not disclose the name of other killers and the rival of Mostafa for the sake of investigation.
