College girl found hanging in Sylhet

Sylhet Bureau :

Police recovered the hanging body of a college girl from her house at Dakkhinbhag village in Golapganj upazila early Tuesday.
The deceased was identified as Rasheda Begum, 21, daughter of Nizamuddin of the village and a student of Dhakadakkin High School and College in the upazila.
Locals said Rasheda went to her bed as usual after having dinner on Monday night. She committed suicide by hanging herself from a ceiling fan sometime at night.
Family members stormed the room on Tuesday morning breaking open the door after receiving no response from her despite repeated calls, they added.
On information, police recovered the body and sent it to Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical College Hospital for autopsy, said Tapan Kanti Das, sub-inspector of Golapganj Model Police Station.
