Code of conduct for recruiting agencies soon: IOM

UNB, Dhaka :
International Organization for Migration (IOM) on Sunday said they are working to set a code of conduct and a series of standards for recruiting agencies so that migrants are recruited in a ‘legal and proper fashion’.
“There’s a lot of illegal and corrupt recruitment of migrants,” IOM Director General Ambassador William Lacy Swing told reporters on Sunday. He said they are jointly working with the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Organisation of
Employers to try to set up a series of standards or the code of conduct for recruitment agencies.
Ambassador Swing said those who comply with the standards will be recognised and migrants could go there knowing that they are going to be recruited in a legal and proper fashion. He said those who are not subscribing those standards will go out of business. “That’s the effort we are making now.”
On reducing the cost of remittance sending, the IOM DG said this is another very unfortunate situation they are working on now. Asked about the abolishment of outsourcing agencies, he said they can continue their business if they maintain the standards and follow the code of conduct. “But if they’ve questionable activities, it’ll have to be looked into.” On sufferings of the migrants, Ambassador Swing said the majority of the people who are on the move are not really covered by any international legal framework.
He said they have a feeling in the international community that they need some kind of understanding, agreement and undertaking of commitment by governments and people to assist and protect persons on the move, particularly those who are most vulnerable. “This is the whole idea. I think we’re talking about something that would be approved,” Ambassador Swing said.
Asked about the figure of Myanmar nationals who entered Bangladesh recently, he said, “You need to ask your government here.” He, however, said the number will be significant as he understands. “Our effort is to support all persons who are vulnerable. We’re working very closely with local officials in Cox’s Bazar.”