Climate change impact Dhaka wants developed nations’ help

UNB, Lima :
Environment and Forest Minister Anwar Hossain has called upon the global community, particularly the
developed countries, to take the lead in enabling the most climate vulnerable countries like Bangladesh to carry forward the activities on adaptation and mitigation.
The minister made the call while addressing the plenary session at the UN climate conference COP20/CMP10 here on Wednesday.
“We require substantial and guaranteed and additional flow of resources to meet the adaptation needs of the country. For the last two decades we spent more than 10 billion US dollars for addressing climate change with our own resources,” said the minister.
In this context, Bangladesh’s action on the ground towards adaptation and mitigation will seriously be affected if the provision of support is not met, he added.
“Bangladesh has constructively been participating in the negotiations with high hopes and aspirations that Lima COP must deliver the critical issues aiming to realize the full, effective and sustained implementation of the Convention,” he said.
Anwar Hossain said the recent EU Ministerial Declaration on climate change, US-China Announcement on emission reductions, pledging to Green Climate Fund by a number of countries as part of initial capitalisation have created much optimism and impetus to move our process forward towards achieving the desired outcome at Paris. “We’ ve to maintain this political momentum in our journey towards Paris,” he added.
“Due to rising sea levels and storm surge, one-fourth of Bangladesh may go under sea permanently. This may cause displacement of 37-40 million coastal population. We need to act before such displacement,” said the Minister.
He said in the face of such looming catastrophe, Bangladesh has joined hands with the global community to combat climate change.
It is trying its best to meet the adaptation needs of the local vulnerable communities and is also pursuing significant mitigation activities with its limited resources through creating self-financing mechanism as well as mobilising external resources, he added.
He said, the vast majority of people across the most vulnerable countries cannot afford any deviation from reaching a comprehensive, just and rightful global deal in Paris next year realizing the ultimate objective of the Convention.