CJ vents anger seeing kids at court lockup


Seeing four children with four female accused at a court lockup here on Monday, Chief Justice Surendra Kumar Sinha vented his anger, saying these kids could be the country’s president, prime minister or chief justice.”I was left shocked when I visited the CMM Court lockup at 9:10am. I saw four children with four female accused there. They are innocent. They could be the country’s president, prime minister or chief justice,” he said. The chief justice was addressing judges, lawyers and journalists in the Dhaka Bar Association conference room after a surprise visit to the court.He underscored the need for proper rehabilitation of such kids. “We have to ensure so that they do not turn criminals alongside those in lockup,” he said. Issuing a note of warning that no corruption will be tolerated in the judiciary, Sinha called for making the Dhaka court free of graft first to set an example for others.He asked the judges to take measures so that witnesses can come to court for making their depositions timely, saying many accused have to suffer for long absence of witnesses. Replying to a query, the chief justice said he knows nothing officially about the ‘judicial killings’.Earlier, he witnessed the trial proceedings for an hour at the courtroom of the CMM Judge.
