Waterlogging in city: City Corporation, WASA to be tasked to deal


With an aim to eliminate waterlogging problem from the country, the government has taken a plan to give the task to the city corporations and Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (WASA), said Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives (LGRD) Minister Khandker Mosharraf Hossain.
“Earlier, seven organisations-Rajuk, two Dhaka city corporations, Cantonment Board, Water Development Board, private housings and WASA—were involved in removing stagnant water from across the country and now the government has taken an initiative to bring it under two organisations,” said the Minister while talking to reporters at the Secretariat on Monday. “The government decision is in final stage,” he said.
Besides, the government has taken a Tk 550 crore project for dredging and re-dredging of 14 canals in the city and the project got approval on Monday, said the LGRD Minister.
The project will be implemented within two years and the waterlogging problem will see an acceptable solution within the two years in the city, he said.
The government has taken a project of Tk 40 crore for removing rainwater instantly from the city, he said adding that “We are going ahead with detailed plan for eliminating waterlogging problem.”
Replying to a question about the minister’s previous remark on resolving waterlogging problem which was made in the last year, Mosharraf, said “I didn’t say this. I had said that no rain water will remain stagnant in the city more than three hours.” “We have taken necessary measures to remove waterlogging problem from the city. Though in two or one places rain water remains stagnant and steps were taken in this regard also,” said the Minister.
