Cinnamon (Daruchini) lowers blood sugar

Mohammad Ashraf Hossain :
Cinnamon (we call Daruchini) mother nature’s glucose reducer. Eating a little everyday lower blood sugar, improve insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation. Just sprinkle of cinnamon to our tea or coffee, yogurt or egg pose.
Dr Stefan Ripich in his The Diabetes Healing Diet has been referred research finding that cinnamon speeds the conversion of glucose into energy, quickly moving blood excess sugar out of our bloodstream and into cells where it is needed.
The magic is in a compound called methylhydroxy chalcone polymer (MHCP), which actually stimulates insulin receptors the same way our own insulin does. Less than half a teaspoon of cinnamon daily reduces blood sugar levels with Type 2 diabetes. There are other health benefits as well.
Antioxidant-rich cinnamon also helps block the formation of damaging free radicals, which cause body-wide inflammation leading to heart disease, dementia and cancer. Antioxidants are what make it such a powerful anti-inflammatory. In fact, cinnamon, cloves and allspice have more antioxidant phenols per weight than blueberries, one of the most powerful antioxidant in nature.
When a one has chronic high blood sugar, ones arteries, tissues and nerves are in near-constant state of inflammation. But cinnamon actually inhibits the release of arachidonic acid, the highly inflammation fatty acid that contributes to the build-up of plaques in blood vessels and leads to cardiovascular disease, heart attack and stroke as well as arthritis, Alzheimer and other serious conditions. But a little daily cinnamon can protect us. Not only does it lower sugar, but also reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels. From research it was found that people with Type 2 diabetes who ate one gram (a quarter-tea spoon) to three grams of cinnamon daily reduce their…  
 (a) Fasting blood sugar level by as much as 29 per cent
(B)Triglycerides by 30 per cent
(c) LDL cholesterol by 27 per cent and
(d) Total cholesterol by 26 per cent.

Dutch scientists reported that participants who consumed three grams of cinnamon per day (less than a tea spoon) lowered their fasting blood sugar 300 per cent better than those who didn’t.
Therefore, we the Type 2 diabetes persons need to use a tea spoon of cinnamon every day to quickly bring our blood sugar metabolism into balance. n
