Cigarettes seized in Ctg Port

BSS, Chattogram :
Customs Intelligence and Investigation Directorate (CIID) officials seized a container of foreign-brand cigarette, worth over Tk 13 crore, at Chattogram Port on Sunday.
CIID sources said a total 650 mega cartons of cigarettes, which were carried in 20 feet container, imported from Singapore by Dhaka-based Company named ‘Gram Bangla Corporation Limited’.
The container reached in Chittagong Port on April 26, by false declaration and detected the ever big cigarette smuggling in the port while physical examination of the container, held tyesterday.
On information, the authority conducted drive at a Container Yard at Patenga and detained a container of the company loaded with cigarettes, worth about Tk 13 crore, said Dr AKM Nuruzzaman, custom House Commissioner of Chattogram.
“The company declared that they have imported cotton under bond facilities, however, in practically we have found cigarettes,” added Nuruzzaman.
But no office or factory was found at the respective addresses of the companies, he said.
The owner of the importing firm and its representatives went into hiding after seizure of the goods, he said they would take legal steps against the persons involved in the forgery.