China’s total digital economy exceeds RMB27 trn

Xinhua, Beijing :
China’s digital economy reached 27.2 trillion yuan in 2017, ranking second in the world, accounting for 32.9 percent of its GDP, estimated China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT).
According to a report released jointly by JD Digital Technology and the KPMG China on Wednesday, the rapid development of the digital economy has become the core driving force for China’s economic growth, and the development of digital enterprise services is the right time. The report said that China is now in the critical period of the new global growth drivers taking the place of old ones, and the transition from high-speed growth to high-quality growth. The technology services have been widely used in the consumer market. With the penetration of the mobile Internet and AI technology, opportunities have been generated for the development of digital enterprise services.
Technology enterprises derive value from data and use technology to export value to help the financial industry improve efficiency, reduce costs, and increase revenue. The essence of digital technology is to take the existing industry knowledge reserves and data as the basis and achieve the unbounded integration of industry and technology, and finally reduce costs and improve user experience, said Xie Jinsheng, vice president of JD Digital Technology.